THEAC 2021 Update
Update from the Tasmanian Home Education Advisory Council (THEAC)
Dear Home Educating Families
As we bid farewell to 2020 and hope for a much brighter 2021, we hope that you are enjoying your own individual home education journey with your children.
As you may be aware, there has been a Review of Education Regulation in Tasmania. The Minister for Education and Training has recently released the report from this Review. This report makes recommendations about the future governance structures of the State’s education regulators including the Office of the Education Registrar and THEAC. 0of%20Education%20Regulation%20-%20Steering%20Committee%20Report-December%202020.PDF
After the release of this report there have understandably been some concerns raised by members of the home education community around the references to the new Director of Education position and the establishment of an Education Regulation Advisory Board.
Any potential impact of these recommendations on home education is unclear at this stage as discussion and consultation is still ongoing between THEAC, The Registrar and the Review Committee.
THEAC is very much a part of this consultative process and will continue to advocate for the best interests of home educated children in Tasmania; we will endeavour to keep the home education community updated and informed.
THEAC believe there will be a public consultation calling for submissions commencing in March or April. This will be announced on the website.
If home educators have any questions or wish to provide feedback on the report, it can be directed to either the Minster for Education and Training, the Hon Jeremy Rockliff MP at or to the Department of Education via email at
Leanne Groves, THEAC’s current Chair, is retiring at the end of March and her replacement will be announced once appointed by the Minister. Leanne would like to share with the community her admiration for all that you offer your children and community. These words are from her letter of resignation.
‘I endeavoured to perform my role as Chair of THEAC from a place of fairness, kindness and with a human, not systems, focus. I have been equally heartened by the ways all members of THEAC, the OER staff and leadership have demonstrated the same ‘child at the centre’ of decision making time and again. Particularly in the last 18 months. I’m very happy with, and grateful for, my time with THEAC and it feels the right time to step back and let someone else with fresh energy and talents lead THEAC into the next chapter. I wish to advise I will be stepping down from both my roles, as a Council member and Chair of THEAC, on the 31/03/2021.’
The members of THEAC wish you all the very best for 2021 and we look forward to continuing to support Home Education in Tasmania.