Registrar's Welcome
Reminder - NAPLAN 2021 Registration
Home Education Registration Visits
Young Authors Book Launch
Australian School-based Apprenticeships
Part-time enrolment and Home Education
Tasmanian Youth Forum 2021
Meet your Registration Officers - Profiles
Tasmanian Government Personal Information Card
Home Education Mentorship 2021 - Volunteer
Bass Strait Maritime Centre
TMAG's Festival for Children and Young People
OER Closure over Easter 2021
Registrar's Welcome
Welcome to our second newsletter for 2021! I hope that you are enjoying the transition of season with all the visual delight that comes with autumn.
As I'm sure you are aware, the Premier has called an early election for the House of Assembly on 1 May 2021. The Government will assume a caretaker role during this time. It is unlikely that there will be any movement on the Review of Education Regulation until after the election has resolved.
I was pleased to have been recently invited to the Tasmanian Associated for the Gifted presentation evening. I was asked to speak on a number of topics relating to the regulation of home education in Tasmania, followed by a presentation from a home educator based in the North of the State who possesses a multitude of experience in home educating a gifted child. It's always encouraging to hear first-hand how home education can remove barriers to education and create further opportunities for life-long learning. It was a fantastic and informative evening for all!
I would like to bring attention to the wonderful achievement of two home educating young women, Madeline Lowe and Layla Ottaway, who have written a Sci-fi novel, Planet Alterra. They will be sharing their novel with the public this April - further details about this event can be found below.
Wishing everyone a happy and safe Easter!
Warm regards
Reminder - NAPLAN 2021 Registration
The Office of the Education Registrar facilitates the voluntary participation of home educated students in the NAPLAN assessment program.
Communication in relation to registering your child was sent via email in February. If you have not yet registered and would like your home educated student/s to participate in these assessments in 2021, you are invited to register with our Office so that we can provide you with the NAPLAN test papers relevant to your child’s age (see table below).
Eligibility Requirements
Year | Born in |
Year 3 | 2012 |
Year 5 | 2010 |
Year 7 | 2008 |
Year 9 | 2006 |
NAPLAN - Registration Form
Home Education Registration Visits
With the cold and flu season upon us, we have been experiencing a significant number of registration visit cancellations.
We certainly understand the need to cancel if you and your family are unwell. However, we cannot guarantee that your next visit will be rescheduled with that same Registration Officer. We can also not guarantee that we will have a Registration Officer available to conduct a rescheduled visit before the expiry of your registration.
Here are some things that you can do to help us and yourself in the event of a cancellation:
- Please let our Office know as soon as possible. By giving us as much notice as possible this not only allows us more time to reschedule your visit, but also allows the Registration Officer the opportunity to schedule in another family.
- Needing to reschedule, quite often highlights the importance of receiving your HESP(s) within the require time frame. If we do not receive your HESP before the due date, and you need to cancel, it makes it very difficult to reschedule your visit before expiry.
- If we receive early notice of cancellation due to illness and you still wish to proceed with your visit, upon approval, it may be that a Teams visit/meeting can be co-ordinated. Bearing in mind that a Registration Officer will be required to do a follow-up visit at you home in a few month's time after the Teams visit/meeting.
Thank you in advance for working with us on this matter, your ongoing support is appreciated.
Young Authors Book Launch
Home educators and their families are invited to attend the launch of Planet Alterra, written by home educated students, Madeline Lowe and Layla Ottaway. What a fantastic achievement!!
Planet Alterra is a Sci-fi novel, written for youth aged between 10-18 years.
Madeline and Layla will share a reading from the novel and also be available to talk with young people who have an interest in writing.
Details for the day are as follows:
- Sunday April 18th, 2pm and 3:45pm
- Founders Room, upstairs off Wooby's Lane, Salamanca.
- No RSVP necessary, however there is a COVID limit of 70 people per session.
Australian School-based Apprenticeships
An Australian School-based Apprenticeship (ASbA) or Traineeship is an employment-based training arrangement. If your child is in or is the equivalent age of a Year 10, 11 or 12 student, they have the opportunity to combine all three aspects of education, employment and training as an apprentice or trainee.
The difference between a traineeship and an apprenticeship is usually based on the duration of the training arrangement. An apprenticeship will usually conclude after 3 or 4 years, whereas a traineeship is likely to be in place for 12 months and can be undertaken on either a part-time or full-time basis.
The ASbA allows you to continue with your home education program while undertaking a nationally recognised qualification. The qualification is usually at Certificate II or III level.
Many registered home educating students are currently undertaking a traineeship or apprenticeship and find it to be a fulfilling and rewarding experience.
If this is an opportunity that your child/youth is interested in exploring you can find more information about an ASbA here - Apprenticeships and Traineeships for school-aged learners - Years 11 & 12 ( Additionally you are invited to contact for further information and guidance.
Part-time enrolment and Home Education
There have been some questions raised about part-time school enrolment for home educated students.
In order to enrol part time in school, the school must be either a State school or a registered school in Tasmania.
Children cannot part time enrol in a family day care program or a bush kinder for example as they are not schools. In those situations the parent needs to demonstrate that they are delivering a full program against the standards on top of the time spent in that service.
Children also cannot enrol in an interstate distance education school where the parent is paying tuition as part of a home education program.
Curriculum services such as Complete Education Australia are not schools so using those services as part of your curriculum is fine as long as you address all of the Standards.
Basically if you are paying a fee for your child to attend, if you are not staying with your child during the time and if the provider is assessing, grading or reporting on your child’s attendance then you need to ascertain whether they are a registered school and apply to enrol part time.
If they are not a school then you can discuss with our Office how you can establish your program around the time spent there.
Tasmanian Youth Forum 2021
The Youth Network of Tasmania (YNOT) is an independent not for profit organisation that provides advocacy and representation for young Tasmanians.
YNOT is the peak body for young people in Tasmania aged 12-25 years and the non-government youth sector.
An initiative that is integral to the work of YNOT is the Tasmanian Youth Forum (TYF).
The TYF brings young people from around the State together to discuss matters that are important to them and aims to support ideas and solutions for improving outcomes for young Tasmanians.
The date for the TYF in 2021 is set to take place in Launceston on Friday 4th June from 10am.
To find out more information about this event you can go to the YNOT website
Meet your Registration Officers - Profiles
We have been busy over on our Facebook Home Education Tasmania group developing Registration Officer Profiles.
For those of you who aren't members of the group, here they are for you to see! I'm sure many of you have been fortunate enough to have come across Catherine, Jenny and Caroline on a registration visit at your home.
If you would like to join our facebook group you can do so by following this link -
Tasmanian Government Personal Information Card
We have been receiving a significant number of enquiries lately as to whether the OER are able to provide home educating students with identification cards. Unfortunately we are not in a position to provide these - as we are unable to carry out a 100 point identification check.
If you would like your child/youth to possess an identification card you can apply for a Tasmanian Government Personal Information Card - the card is valid for five years.
To apply for a Personal Information Card please follow these steps:
- Complete the applicaiton form -
- Present your application form together with the original evidence of identity documents in person at a Service Tasmania Shop.
- Complete and sign the declaration on page 2 of the application form, in the presence of a Service Tasmania Customer Service Officer (parent/guardian is to sign if the applicant is under 18 years of age).
- Have your photo take and pay the application fee of $29.
For any further queries please contact your local Service Tasmania shop or call 1300 13 5513.
Home Education Mentorship 2021 - Volunteer
Thank you to those who have expressed interest in becoming a Volunteer Home Education Mentor.
If you have not yet expressed interest in becoming a volunteer and would like to, please complete the web form below to register your interest.
We look forward to hearing from you!
Expression of Interest - Home Education Mentorship (Volunteer)
Bass Strait Maritime Centre
If you are based in or travelling to the North West Coast of the State over the Easter break, the Bass Maritime Centre in Devonport is now open to the public.
"Our mission is to be a source of knowledge, ideas, stories and memories. The Bass Strait Maritime Centre's collection is a repository developed as a resource to inspire and educate the community and visitors. A key focus of the collection is to contribute to the interpretation and preservation of the history and maritime heritage of the Devonport region and its connection with the Bass Strait."
The Centre will be running children's workshops throughout the school holidays and are also available for group bookings at any time throughout the year.
If you would like more information in relation to group bookings you are invited to make contact with the centre at
*Discounted rates are available for 10 people or more at $5.00 entry per person.
TMAG's Festival for Children and Young People
The Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery (TMAG) have announced the details for their annual children's festival.
This will be their fifth children's festival and TMAG have celebrated by giving the festival a brand new name: Lift Off!
Lift Off! will open on April 13th-16th for three days of children- centred activities and fun- for all ages!
To keep up to date with further details about Lift Off! stay tuned to their social media.
OER Closure over Easter 2021
The Office of the Education Registrar will be closed to the public on Friday 2nd April and will reopen on Wednesday 7th April.
Should you wish to make contact throughout this period you can do so via email at
Wishing you all a Happy Easter and an enjoyable extra-long weekend!