Registrar's New Year Welcome
Home Education Forum 2020
Expressions of Interest Fire Safety and First Aid Sessions - Last call!
Review of Education Regulation Steering Committee Report
Home Education Mentorship 2021 (Volunteer)
Are you seeking a part-time enrolment at school for your child?
Congratulations - Connor Barnett!
Facebook Group - Home Education Tasmania
Statewide Home Education Networks
Registrar's New Year Welcome
Hello everyone and welcome to 2021. I hope you have all had the opportunity to reinvigorate, reset and connect with loved ones over the break.
With 2021 officially upon us, I hope that we can all take our learnings from the challenges we faced in 2020 and enter this year with a renewed sense of gratitude, courage and optimism for the year ahead.
As some of you may be aware the Minister for Education and Training, Hon Jeremy Rockliff MP has released the Review of Education Regulation Steering Committee Report. Operationally speaking, it will be business as usual for the OER for the medium-term. I will do my best to keep you all informed as the stages for the Review progress.
Warm regards
Home Education Forum 2020
Thanks to Fiona Lohrbaecher and some sponsorship from the OER, a home education forum was held on 18th December 2020 at the C3 Convention Centre in South Hobart. Around 35 families enjoyed chatting together with some resources available to swap. Katharine O’Donnell (Registrar), Jo Spencer (Assistant Registrar), and three Registration Officers from the OER attended and were invited to speak on aspects of home education in Tasmania.
There were two main topics discussed – Home Education Summary and Plan (HESP) writing and life after home education. Catherine Jacometti addressed each Standard in the HESP individually, with input from the other Registration Officers and Katharine O’Donnell. This information will be the basis of informative videos on the OER Facebook page. Katharine O’Donnell highlighted the Evaluation Standard as being the one she views as the most important in her reading of HESPs as it shows how the program is being individualised to each child and their learning needs. “Her friendly, relaxed and humorous approach was greatly appreciated.” (Fiona Lohrbaecher)
Caroline Waugh spoke about her home education journey over the last 20 years and her formerly home educated daughters spoke about their successful journey into tertiary study and employment. Nina Francis also spoke about her home education journey with her previously home educated/schooled daughter also willing to speak about her experience.
Fiona’s feedback from everyone was positive, with many feeling reassured and confident that they CAN home educate. Fiona plans to organise another forum next year.
Written by Senior Registration Officer - Catherine Azon-Jacometti.
Expressions of Interest Fire Safety and First Aid Sessions - Last call!
Thank you to everyone who has expressed interest in attending the Fire Safety and First Aid Sessions in 2021. We have received a large amount of interest already, so if you are yet to express interest and would like your child to participate in either of these sessions please do so by submitting your details below.
Expressions of Interest - 2021 Fire Safety Sessions
Expressions of Interest - First Aid Sessions 2021
Review of Education Regulation Steering Committee Report
The Minister for Education and Training has released the report into the Review of Education Regulation in Tasmania.
This report makes recommendations about the future governance structures of the State’s education regulators including the Office of the Education Registrar and THEAC.
The report can be found HERE https://publicdocumentcentre.education.tas.gov.au/library/Shared%20Documents/Review%20of%20Education%20Regulation%20-%20Steering%20Committee%20Report-December%202020.PDF
Questions or feedback on the report can be directed either to the Education Department at legislation@education.tas.gov.au Or to the Minister for Education and Training, the Hon Jeremy Rockliff MP at Jeremy.Rockliff@dpac.tas.gov.au
Home Education Mentorship 2021 (Volunteer)
Are you someone who has a passion for home education and for helping others? Do you have confidence in your ability to build positive relationships? Are you currently a registered home educator, or were you a registered home educator no more than two years ago? Have you had a minimum of three years' experience as a registered home educator?
If this sounds like you, we are seeking Expressions of Interest for suitable candidates to become a Home Education Mentor in Tasmania.
Prospective candidates should be aware that this is a volunteer role only.
The concept behind the Mentorship is that you will provide guidance for those who are seeking support and new to the process of home education. This may be in the form of providing support with understanding how to write a HESP, sharing your expertise in locating quality resources and connecting others to established home education groups.
As a Mentor the OER will connect you to a new home educator who needs support and who is located within your geographic area.
This project will initially run as a pilot program for a period of six months and will then be reviewed.
Please see the below Expression of Interest you to complete.
Once the Expression of Interest has been received and the criteria is met, we will send you an information and application pack.
Expression of Interest - Home Education Mentorship (Volunteer)
Are you seeking a part-time enrolment at school for your child?
If you have enrolled your child part-time at a school or thinking about seeking a part-time enrolment please notify the Office of the Education Registrar of this change.
If the part-time enrolment results in a significant change in your program please also let us know.
You can do so by notifying us at registrar@oer.tas.gov.au providing your child's name, date of birth and the details of the school of enrolment.
Further information regarding the process for part-time enrolment at State Schools can be found on the OER website: https://oer.tas.gov.au/.../Part-time-Enrolment-at-School...
Congratulations - Connor Barnett!
Connor Barnett has been awarded First Prize for his Research Investigation in the Tasmania Science Talent Search.
Congratulations Connor on this amazing achievement!
If your child has an achievement that you would like us to share in our newsletter please make contact with us via email at registrar@oer.tas.gov.au
Facebook Group - Home Education Tasmania
For those of you who may not know, we now have a Facebook group - Home Education Tasmania. The purpose of this group is to best support the regulation of the home education community in Tasmania. We also share initiatives and content that is applicable to home education, as well as OER run competitions and Registration Officer updates (see below).
If you think this is something that may be of interest to you, you can find us here - https://www.facebook.com/groups/HomeEducationTas/
Statewide Home Education Networks
If you're looking for some social and educational opportunities for to kick start your 2021, look no further! Below you will find a comprehensive list of activities and home education networks around the State for you to enjoy in 2021.
Hobart Home Education Community
The Hobart Home Education Community has been established for a number of years to cater to the needs of home educators in the Hobart area. It is a dynamic and democratic community that offers many social and educational opportunities. Anyone who wishes is able to organise outings/events where all are welcome to participate. These can be socially and/or educationally driven, allowing students experiences and alternatives to complement their learning and/or just to have fun and meet like-minded people. Some of the things we have enjoyed in past years are theatre excursions, swimming lessons, park play meets and picnics, farm visits, activities at Bunnings, board games and laser tag outings, music lessons, creative writing workshops. We have gymnastics classes every Monday in term time at Kingborough Gymnastics Centre and a Youth Group that meets at Youth Arc every Wednesday.
We have a regular newsletter that allows students the opportunity to share by ‘publishing’ their work and achievements. This can be anything from projects completed, awards attained, experiences gained during outings, holidays, stories and/or other written work. Parents can contribute useful techniques, websites, any information that they find helpful and want to share. There is also a section with informative and educational articles on home education.
By working together, we have enjoyed many varied and memorable occasions. For more details please contact Fiona on fiona.lohrbaecher@gmail.com
Home Ed Youth Group - new
Friends – fun - games – art – connect
Home School Sessions held at Youth Arc in Hobart city, this group is for ages 13-18 and is free. Times are 12.30pm t- 2.30pm. Please contact Fiona by email – Fiona.lohrbaecher@gmail.com to register (will need your child’s name, age and contact phone number) and for more information.
Creative Writing Workshops - new
You are the writer – unleashing your creativity on paper
These are free, unstructured classes where children are free to write what they want, how they want without worrying about spelling, grammar, punctuation or handwriting. I will do some fun exercises at the beginning of each class for those who would like some inspiration but there's no obligation to join in.
There is a slight price change this year. Last year's was a trial. New pricing - $5 per family for one or two children, $2 per child for 3 or more.
When: Friday 5th February, 10:30am – 12:00 midday
Where: Lenah Valley Hall, Creek road, Lenah Valley
Who: All ages, all abilities, keen or reluctant writers
I will provide all materials but you are welcome to bring your own. BYO lunch and snacks.
RSVP to book in per class. No need to attend all classes.
Hobart Natural Learners Co-op
Weekly meets, Taroona. Current age range is 1 - 15+ yrs.
Casual meets with occasional organised activities.
Numbers are capped for some age groups due to venue restrictions, but all are welcome to get in touch with us to see if there’s room for your family or join our waiting list.
Join our Facebook group or email hobartnaturallearners@gmail.com for more information.
Southern Beaches Home Educators - community, support and skill sharing.
Dunalley to Sorell area, meeting once a month. Details to come! Contact Alex: d.a.wherrett@gmail.com or 62535206.
Learn to Swim program
Swimming Intensives 2021
1-5 March
17-21 May
6-10 December
Enrolments are open for the March 2021 swimming intensive at Collegiate Pool. Paperwork and forms are due Thursday 28 January at the latest. Parents can send me an email to get enrolment info.
Monday 1st to Friday 5th March 2021
5 daily 40mins sessions
$50 per child
Home School Gymnastics 2020
Starting: Monday 1st February
Home School Gymnastics is on Monday mornings (term time only and not on public holidays) at the Kingborough Gymnastics Centre, 10 Kingston View Dr, Kingston.
General gym and skills classes: 10.15am – 11.45am
Kindergym: 11.05am -11.45am
Kindergym: $6.50 for the session
General Gym: $9.50 for the 1.5 hour session
Boys/Girls Skills: $15.00 for the 1.5 hour session (booked through the Gymsports Portal)
Comfortable, casual clothes required
All classes need to be booked through the Gymsports Portal at www.gymsports.net.au
or at the office on Phone: 03 6229 0900 Mobile: 0409 017708
Derwent Valley Homies
Meetups are starting up again at Tynwald Park, New Norfolk, fortnightly on Fridays at 1pm. Contact Rebecca at rebeccamayjenkins@live.com.au for next date. This group is for anyone and everyone who is either home educating or considering home education. Here members can post gatherings, co-op ideas or anything relevant for the home education community in the Derwent Valley.
(https://www.facebook.com/groups/1025922577466304/ )
Huon Valley Home Educating Environmental Volunteers Clean Up Group – new
Contact Karm Ari Karter through the Facebook page – Home Education Southern Tasmania – to find out details of clean up events for home educating families. You can comment on the page, private message Karm Ari Karter, or simply turn up at the location to be involved.
Clean-up events are generally once a month. Gloves, litter grabbers, reusable garden waste bags and high-vis vests for children and adults are provided. (Adults need their own fitting gloves).
The group is sponsored by Tassal and Silverfern Home and Garden Maintenance.
All waste will be sorted and taken to Huonville Southbridge Waste Station by Karm Ari Karter at her expense.
B.Y.O lunch and drinks.
All ages are welcome.
Tasman Homeschool Network Taranna
The Tasman Homeschool Network, are a group of families based on the Tasman Peninsula, often gathering in Taranna and Nubeena. There are no regular meet ups planned for 2021 as yet, but please contact the Dunalley Tasman Neighbourhood House on (03) 6253 5579 on weekdays 9am-3pm (closed public holidays) or email admindun@dunalleytasman.org if you wish to connect with this group.
Hobart Montessori Bushschoolers
Please Note: Term One is full.
A Montessori inspired bush group for 5-10yr old home schoolers in the Hobart area.
We meet every Wednesday 9:30am-12pm in a number of selected locations around Hobart ranging from bush reserve to beach.
Each session will be playful and exploratory allowing children to discover and creatively engage with the natural world around them in a variety of hands-on ways.
At the beginning of each session a prompt/theme and a set of natural materials and (art) supplies will be provided to support creative process and discussion. Children will be encouraged to express themselves and explore their ideas.
Activities will range from free-play to bushwalking, fauna/flora spotting, building, gardening, making fire, cooking, refining gross and fine motor skills, cultural & environmental studies and many more but always in tune with the seasons. There might also be a number of excursions during the year.
The sessions are child led, respectful of the children's interests and ability to self-direct within the environment provided.
What to bring:
- weather appropriate clothing
- morning tea and drink
- nature journal
- smiles and happiness
Regular commitment preferred (weekly or fortnightly) and contribution fees apply. Extra financial participation may apply for certain excursions.
Fees: $75 per child for the term
Join the Facebook group for more info
Launceston Home Education Group
We meet every Wednesday usually from 12-3.
There is an organised program – please send an email to launcestonhomeed@gmail.com to get on the email list.
We also have a Facebook page if people are interested in looking us up on Facebook -https://www.facebook.com/groups/126863547524939/ is the web address but if you look for Launceston Home Ed group in the search bar you’ll be able to also find us that way. To join the group, you will need to answer a couple of questions before admin approves your join so that it is kept local and a safe space for the community and children.
Kentish Mountain Learners Group
We enjoy informal, unstructured gatherings with an emphasis on providing opportunities for parents and children to meet one another and establish friendships. Sometimes a family may organise a theme/special focus for the day, e.g. Frisbee golf, seasonal parties, campfire, bushwalking track maintenance, wildlife survey etc. We have been meeting either in a local hall during winter or at a nearby picnic ground during warmer weather.
We will meet fortnightly on a Monday – 10am–2pm, starting on Monday 15th February. Love to see you all there!
All are welcome. Enquiries to Alison on alwild@iinet.net.au or Sally on salmineur@gmail.com
North West Home Education
The friendly home education support group for the North West Coast from Devonport and surrounds, to Sheffield, Burnie and the West Coast.
All most welcome, any home educating child and their family or carer.
We meet every Friday from 11am during school term time.
Activities vary but can include social park days, sports, craft, cooking, excursions, games.
The activities are organised by the parents/carers on the first Friday of each term. This is then compiled and circulated to the group.
Our email address is nwtashomeschoolgroup@gmail.com - please send Monique an email for further information.
Facebook Groups
Office of the Education Registrar
Office of the Education Registrar | Facebook
Information from the OER on home education and registration, and activities for home educating families to participate in.
Home Education (Tasmania)
Home Education (Tasmania) | Facebook
The purpose of this group is to enable people who are registered to deliver home education in Tasmania or for those people who are interested in doing so, to have access to information about the registration process in an informal and helpful environment. Please refer to the pinned post containing the rules of use for this group. By adhering to these rules, you are helping us make this group a supportive, informative, and helpful place for home educators. Over time, we hope to add explainer videos and interactive information on the registration process. If there is anything you would particularly like to know about, please message through the group and we will see what we can do.
Home Education Southern Tasmania
H.E.T. - Home Education Tasmania
Tasmanian Home Education Network (THEN)
Oak Meadow Southern Hemisphere Community Facebook Group
https://www.facebook.com/groups/1608000259440850/ -
Updated 3rd February 2021