THEAC Communication April 2021
Good day everybody. Woo, Winter’s really kicked in early, eh? ‘The snow glows white on the mountain tonight.’ We had a preview of it on the day of our 2nd meeting of the year, a thoroughly lovely, rainy March day in Hobart.
Now some of you may be saying…THEAC, who, what, where, why, how? THEAC is the Tasmanian Home Education Advisory Council. We are a volunteer board of 7 members whose role is to provide a home education voice in the registration process. The majority of THEAC members are current or previous home educators and all members are required to have an interest in home education.
THEAC members team with Registration Officers to review each new home education application. We also review 10% of all renewals and provide advice to the Registrar when she seeks it.
We are delighted to announce that Andrea Ferguson has just been appointed to THEAC. Andrea is based in the north of the state.
“I am a home educating mum of ten children, with ages ranging from 21 to 6 (and yes they all still live at home). We have been home schooling for the past 18 years and have seen our eldest three home educate up to the completion of grade 12. They are all now in full-time employment following their varied passions of Music, Accounting and Digital Media. All of my children are musical and being taught at home has given them many unique performance opportunities. Things I love to do include organising my household, planning events and entertaining large groups of teenagers for tea on a regular basis.
I am committed to seeing Home Education grow and flourish in Tasmania, and am excited to be appointed to THEAC.” Andrea.
And we’re excited to have you on board Andrea.
The Chair of THEAC, Leanne Groves, retired last month and a new Acting Chair will be appointed shortly, so we are currently Chairless, which means we can’t sit down at meetings.
Ha Ha. No? Oh, well. We’ll let you know as soon as a new Chair is appointed. Be assured though that, in the interim, the Council are continuing to work cooperatively to ensure that important council business is continuing.
Home Education Statistics
As of 1 March, there were 1173 students from 659 families registered to home educate. This is a 5% increase in families since 1 March 2020. And a whopping 110% increase in families and 96% increase in students since May 2011! Since 2011 Home education has shown a steady increase in student registrations at an average of around 7% per year compared to school enrolments at around 1% nationally.
The highest figures for last year were at 1st November when there were 1210 students from 673 families registered. This year 96 new applications have already been approved, which is already 30% of all applications approved in 2020, and we’re only ¼ of the way into the year.
Wow! And may we say it is always inspiring to see the breadth and variety of personalised home education programs being delivered. You guys rock!
If anyone has any questions relating to registration or HESPS, the Office of the Registrar has a new Home Education (Tasmania) Facebook page where you can ask questions. Alternatively, you can email, phone 6165 6135 for the Southern Office, or 6777 2548 for the Northern Office.
THEAC have recently submitted a response to the Review of Education Regulation Recommendations. A copy of this latest submission has been included at the end of this letter. Details of the Review can be found at and those wishing to offer feedback on the Review Recommendations can email
Have a wonderful week and keep on rocking.
Your THEAC members,
Andrea Ferguson (North), Anne French (South), Eileen Height (North), William Linton (South), Fiona Lohrbaecher (South), Caroline Norman (South).
THEAC Response to Education Regulation Review Recommendations 2021
While Home Education itself was exempt from the Review into Education Regulation, the proposed recommendations have inadvertently impacted this sector. THEAC believe Working Group Representatives were made aware of this potential impact during discussions with the former THEAC Chair shortly after the Review Recommendations were released.
As a result, the Tasmanian Home Education Advisory Council (THEAC) are proposing the following suggestions as a way of minimising the impact on the stakeholders, while continuing to respect the recommendations and safeguard the current Minister, and future Ministers, from risk of future liability.
THEAC request that the following recommendations are upheld in legislation or by way of a statement in Parliament.
- a) The person appointed to Director of Education, or future equivalent, will have a clear and documented interest in, knowledge and understanding of Home Education.
- b) THEAC will have an active and clear role in the appointment process of the Director of Education, or future equivalent. THEAC were involved in the appointment process of the current Education Registrar through the Chair of the day being on the selection panel. THEAC request that this act of goodwill be formalised and honoured with all future appointments of those responsible for overseeing Home Education in Tasmania.
- c) The Education Regulation Advisory Council (TERAC) will include a Home Education voice and perspective before any recommendations are proposed to the Minister. This may be through the inclusion of the Director of Education, or future equivalent, on TERAC, and through THEAC access to TERAC meeting minutes.
THEAC, thank-you for your consideration.