Registrar's Welcome
Home Education Summary and Program (HESP) Information
Expressions of Interest - Fire Safety and First Aid Sessions
Service Providers - State Government Therapy Document
TasNetworks Bright Sparks Program - Electrical Safety
Home Education Mentorship 2021 - Volunteer
Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery
Part-Time Enrolment Notification
Registration Officer Profile
Book Lovers Alert!
Mission Australia Annual Youth Survey
Registrar's Welcome
Hello Everyone
I hope you all had a wonderful and restful Easter break with your family and loved ones.
We have a newly appointed council member to THEAC, Andrea Ferguson. Welcome Andrea! Andrea has a large amount of experience (18 years!) in home education and I look forward to her sharing her expertise within the council environment.
We have received some interest in the Home Education Mentorship Volunteer Program, I am hopeful that we will have this project up and running in the very near future. If you think you might be interested in becoming a Mentor, I would strongly encourage you to express interest (see featured article below).
You may have seen in the media, a new Minister for Education has been appointed, I would like to welcome The Hon Sarah Courtney MP and wish her well in the role and look forward to working with her.
Warm regards
Home Education Summary and Program (HESP) Information
Copying and Pasting information within HESPs
The purpose of a Home Education Summary and Program (HESP) is to provide information (relating to the Standards) about the program which has been delivered in the previous year and information about the program to be delivered in the year to come.
As each child is registered individually, a separate HESP must be written for each child, each year. Each HESP should be written in your own words and is a stand-alone document - therefore it should not refer to past HESPs or siblings’ HESPs for further information. Copying and pasting of material from websites or your resources is also not acceptable. Please do not pay a fee to a curriculum provider to write your HESP - the HESP will not be accepted by the OER.
Copying information across siblings:
In the case of siblings HESPs, we understand some parts of your program, namely the Research, Pedagogy and Evaluation standards, may be similar within a family. Copying and pasting some of this information is acceptable as long as you can show individualisation for each child. However, the remaining standards should reflect how your program is tailored to the needs and interests of each child individually.
Copying information across years:
Your home education program evolves to suit the changing needs of your child from year to year and your HESP should reflect this. Copying and pasting standards from one year to the next does not indicate intentional development, delivery, and evaluation of the program over time. When writing about the development and evaluation of your child’s progress, you may include parts of the previous year’s plan in the current Summary section of Literacy, Numeracy, Range of Learning Areas and Wellbeing standards to show context. Your HESP is a reflection of the progress your child is making.
It is important to note that both the HESP and the registration report prepared following the visit, is considered by the Registrar when making a decision to approve registration. It is really important that the HESP contains information about the program provided in the past year and information about what you plan for the next twelve months.
Written by Senior Registration Officers, Catherine Azon-Jacometti and Jenny Vanderpluym.
Expressions of Interest - Fire Safety and First Aid Sessions
Thank you to everyone who has expressed interest in the Tas Fire Safety and St John First Aid Sessions.
We have received an enormous uptake for both sessions!
We are now busy working away at collating data in preparation for the co-ordinators of both providers. We will be in touch with you as soon as the dates and venues have been finalised.
If you have any queries or concerns please do not hesitate to contact us at
Service Providers - State Government Therapy Document
We are excited to be able to share with you as a registered home educator the State Government Therapy Document.
This document outlines a comprehensive list of service provider options that are available to provide support/services to you and your family.
We hope that you find this information package useful throughout your home education journey.
To access this document please click on the attached flyer below.
TasNetworks Bright Sparks Program - Electrical Safety
We are very happy to share with you that TasNetworks have offered to deliver their Bright Sparks Program to registered home educators!
The free electrical safety program educates children aged from 6-12 years about the safe use of electricity.
For those who are interested in participating in this program please complete the Expression of Interest (EOI) form below.
Closing date for the EOI is Friday 25th June 2021.
To find out more about this program you can go to Bright Sparks School Program - TasNetworks
Expressions of Interest - TasNetworks Bright Sparks Program
Home Education Mentorship 2021 - Volunteer
Thank you to those who have expressed interest in becoming a Volunteer Home Education Mentor in 2021. You should have received your Guidelines and Questionnaire Package. If this has not been received, please contact the OER at
If you have not yet expressed interest in becoming a volunteer and would like to, please complete the web form below to register your interest. The opportunity to express interest will remain open for the duration of the project timeline (six months).
We look forward to hearing from you!
Expression of Interest - Home Education Mentorship (Volunteer)
Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery
The Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery (TMAG) has officially opened their long-term children's gallery, mapiya lumi | around here.
The exhibition is aimed for children aged 0-7 years and has been developed in consultation with early learning, educational and children’s advocacy groups.
The gallery has a dedicated space for little ones aged 0-3 as well as a range of areas for children aged 3-7 to explore.
It introduces Tasmania as ‘a little big home’ and invites visitors to journey through a place of deep oceans, soaring rock columns and tumbling waterfalls, while also discovering tiny nests, comfy kitchens and fire pit stories.
Entry to the gallery is free of charge, although bookings are required.
Please follow the link to book
Part-Time Enrolment Notification
If you have enrolled your child part-time at a school please notify the Office of the Education Registrar.
You can do so by notifying us at providing your child's name, date of birth and the details of the school of enrolment.
If the part-time enrolment results in a significant change in your program please let us know. You may be requested to provide information about how the part-time enrolment compliments your childs current HESP.
Further information regarding the process for part-time enrolment at State Schools can be found on the OER website:
Registration Officer Profile
Please welcome Nina Francis and Rebecca Jenkins, our Southern Registration Officers! We hope you enjoy learning a bit more about them both!
For those of you who aren't already aware, the OER have a private home education group on facebook. You can find the original profiles of Registration Officers on this page well as other information relating to home education. If you are interested in joining please follow this link -
Book Lovers Alert!
Mission Australia Annual Youth Survey
Are you a young person aged between 15-19 years old?
Would you like an opportunity to 'speak up' about issues affecting young people today?
The 2021 Mission Australia Annual Youth Survey is now live and waiting for you to have your say. The survey will be open until 9 August 2021.
Please click on the below link to access the survey site -
To find out more information about the survey and how the results are collated click on this link -